I received the cowboy moly. I will be working on my moly and cowboy moly in the next week and a half. Doodle Moly is on it's way to Kelley today.
I lately have bees on my brain. From childhood memories to the bee girl painting I did last year then to books - Secret Life of Bees. I wasn't sure what to draw and the beegirl just came out of me. B is for bees and beegirl.
Shante, that's adorable...are you the little bee girl? Either way, it is very cute and I can't wait to get it. Yay, I finally get a book for this exchange :)
Sorry everyone for being such a snail. I am out of conference triangle land and now can create.
Azuregrackle so sorry about your moly.
Kelley thanks. I just made up a little girl but she does look like me come to think ot it. I just took it to the post office here downtown so you should be getting it soon.
Shante - do you want me to send my poetry moly (Vol. 2) to you? Or straight to Kelley?
Hi Jenn: I don't mind if you send it to Kelley. I can be the last person to work on the poetry moly (vol 2). I saw where you posted that on the blog but couldn't find it again to answer.
Hi all, just wanted to let you know I have Rikard's book. I got it on Saturday and just forgot to mention it, oops. Will try to get it finished soon here :)
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