Monday, August 31, 2009

Rikard's moly is going to visit Natalia

It seems Rikard's moly had taken on a "b" theme. Jenn did a bubble, Shante drew some bee's...I combined them with bugs and bubbles, LOL...hope it's okay.

Natalia, I will be mailing this in the next day or so, keep a look out in the mail and please, let me know when it arrives so I can stop worrying :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Roll call

I realize this group has been slow to gain any momentum in its exchange. I have to start over since my book was lost along the way, but before I do, is everyone still interested in continuing this exchange? I will do whatever the group wants to do - either disband or keep going with the knowledge that it's very slow moving. Or we can re-energize and establish mailing deadlines to keep people moving.

What do you all think?